Brief Review — CC-3D-FCN: 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
CC-3D-FCN, Adding Convolutions to Skip Connection for Downsampling Path to Upsampling Path
3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation,
CC-3D-FCN, by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Korea University, 2018 TCYB, Over 140 Citations (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis, Image Segmentation, U-Net
- Conventional 2-D FCN architectures is extend to 3-D for segmentation of isointense phase brain MR images.
- Coarse (naturally high-resolution) and dense (highly semantic) feature maps are integrated to better model tiny tissue regions. In addition, a transformation module is further proposed to better connect the aggregating layers. Also, A fusion module to better serve the fusion of feature maps.
- Moreover, multimodal information is used, which further boosts the segmentation performance.
- PT-3D-CNN (PT: Pass-Through)
- CC-3D-CNN (CC: Convolution and Concatenate)
- Experimental Results
1. PT-3D-CNN (PT: Pass-Through)
- FCN actually consists of two major operations: down-sampling and up-sampling. (Similar to U-Net)
- Pass-Through (PT) operations are included in our architecture, in which the coarse feature maps of the down-sampling layers are concatenated to the whole learned feature maps to the up-sampling layers. This is similar to the operations used in U-Net.
- Fusion modules (extra convolutional layers) after the concatenation layers.
- This is named as PT-3D-CNN, as baseline.
2. CC-3D-CNN (CC: Convolution and Concatenate)
- A transformation module is introduced to boost the low-level features to be complementary for the high-level features.
- The whole PT operation is replaced by the Convolution and Concatenate (CC) subprocedures.
- Also, batch normalization is used after convolution.
- The weighted cross entropy loss is used.
- Patch size 32×32×32 is used.
- Dice ratio is higher for CC-3D-FCN.
3. Experimental Results
3.1. Multimodality Information
Using more imaging modalities, i,e, T1+T2+FA as inputs, generally results in more accurate segmentations.
3.2. Performance
For both datasets, CC-3-D-FCN outperforms other methods such as 3D U-Net.
3.4. Time
CC-3D-FCN method is significantly faster than any of the other methods.
3.5. Visualization
CC-3D-FCN obtains better visual segmentation.
[2018 TCYB] [CC-3D-FCN]
3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
4.2. Biomedical Image Segmentation
2015 … 2018 [CC-3D-FCN] … 2020 [MultiResUNet] [UNet 3+] [Dense-Gated U-Net (DGNet)]