Brief Review — InceptionTime: Finding AlexNet for Time Series Classification
Inception Module for Time Series Data
3 min readOct 24, 2024
InceptionTime: Finding AlexNet for Time Series Classification
InceptionTime, by Universite Haute Alsace, Monash University, and Universite Bretagne Sud
2020 JTMKD, Over 1200 Citations (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)Time Series Classification (TSC)
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- HIVE-COTE takes more than 8 days to learn from a small dataset with N = 1500 time series of short length T = 46 for Time Series Classification (TSC).
- InceptionTime is introduced, which is an ensemble of deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models, inspired by the Inception-v4 architecture for TSC. It learns from 1,500 time series in one hour, and 8M time series in 13 hours.
- InceptionTime
- Results
1. InceptionTime
1.1. Time Series Classiciation (TSC)
- A Multivariate Time Series (MTS) has a dataset X = [X1, X2, … ,XT] with M dimensions, consists of T ordered elements Xi. The task of classifying time series data consists of learning a classifier on dataset D in order to map from the space of possible inputs X to a probability distribution over the classes Y.
1.2. InceptionTime
- The proposed model InceptionTime consists of an ensemble of 5 different Inception networks initialized randomly.
- The composition of an Inception network classifier contains two different residual blocks, as opposed to ResNet, which is comprised of three.
- For the Inception network, each block is comprised of three Inception modules rather than traditional fully convolutional layers.
- Following these residual blocks, a Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer is used that averages the output multivariate time series over the whole time dimension.
- At last, a final traditional fully-connected softmax layer is used, with a number of neurons equal to the number of classes in the dataset.
- Fig. 1 above depicts an Inception network’s architecture showing 6 different Inception modules stacked one after the other.
1.3. Inception Module
- The first major component of the Inception module is called the “bottleneck” layer.
- The second major component of the Inception module is sliding multiple filters of different lengths simultaneously on the same input time series. Three different convolutions with length l of {10, 20, 40} are applied to the input MTS.
- Another parallel MaxPooling operation is also introduced, followed by a bottleneck layer to reduce the dimensionality.
- Finally, the output of each independent parallel convolution/MaxPooling is concatenated to form the output MTS.
2. Results
- 85 datasets of the UCR archive are used for evaluation.
- HIVE-COTE is a method from a paper “The hierarchical vote collective of transformation-based ensembles for time series classification.” in 2016.
The results show a Win/Tie/Loss of 40/6/39 in favor of InceptionTime.
- Fig. 7: InceptionTime’s complexity increases almost linearly with an increase in the time series’ length, unlike HIVE-COTE, whose execution is almost two order of magnitudes slower. InceptionTime is significantly faster when dealing with long time series.
- Fig. 8: InceptionTime is an order of magnitude faster than HIVE-COTE for increasing training set.
The accuracy continues to increase with InceptionTime for larger training set sizes, where HIVE-COTE would take 100 times longer to run.