Reading: Bonnineau ICASSP’20 — VVC & SR for Efficient Delivery (VVC Intra)
Using SRFBN for upsampling, 29% BD-Rate Saving
In this story, Versatile Video Coding and Super-Resolution for Efficiency Delivery of 8K Video with 4K Backward-Compatibility (Bonnineau ICASSP’20), by IRT b<>com, TDF, and Univ Rennes, is briefly presented. In this paper:
- By using Super-Resolution with Feedback Network (SRFBN), there is visual quality gain over simulcast, especially on bit-rates lower than 30Mb/s with average gain of 0.77dB, 0.015, and 7.97 for PSNR, SSIM, and VMAF, respectively.
- and it outperforms the Lanczos filter in average by 29% of BD-rate savings.
This is a paper in 2020 ICASSP. Authors have put the article to arXiv. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Simulcast
- Spatial Scalability
- Proposed Pre and Post-Processing
- Experimental Results
1. Simulcast
- One simple way to deliver both 4K and 8K videos is simulcast.
- By using Simulcast, the 8K video is encoded.
- Also, this 8K video is downsized to 4K then encoded.
- Thus, the 8K and 4K videos are encoded independently and then transmitted.
- However, the content of 8K and 4K are the same, with only the size different. The redundancy is not fully exploited which makes the bitrate high.
- The bit-rate required by HEVC for 8K applications in 60Hz and 120Hz (temporally scalable) is around 80Mbps.
- For satellite transmission with DVBS2X, bandwidth in the range 70–80Mb/s can be reached.
- For terrestrial transmission, such bandwidth requirements prevent the deployment of 4K and 8K simultaneously, as practical DVB-T2 channels offer bandwidth in the range 30–40Mb/s over an 8MHz channel.
2. Spatial Scalability
- There is scalable coding provided to encode the 4K video as base layer (BL) and the 8K video as enhancement layer (EL).
- When encoding the 8K video, the information at 4K video (BL) is utilized so that the bitrate for 8K video is much lower compared with simulcast.
- However, due to codec compatibility issues caused by a late integration of the HEVC scalable extension, spatial-scalability is not much present in the current broadcast ecosystem.
3. Proposed Pre and Post-Processing
- In this approach, the 8K is downsized to 4K then encoded.
- After transmitting the 4K video to the decoder side, the 4K video is decoded. Also, this 4K video is upsampled by deep learning approach to reconstruct the 8K video.
- By this mean, only 4K video is transmitted, but with the support of 8K video service.
- To provide high quality 8K video, Super-Resolution with Feedback Network (SRFBN) is used for upsample (super resolution)
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Settings
- VVC: The proposed Pre and Post-Processing
- HEVC: Simulcast
- SHVC: Spatial Scalability
- All Intra configuration is used with QPs of 17, 22, 27, 32 and 37.
4.2. SHVC vs Simulcast
- SHVC achieves 13.81%, 13.11%, and 12.17% of average BD-rate savings over simulcast for PSNR, SSIM, and VMAF, respectively.
- But SHVC is not popular in industry as mentioned.
4.3. Coding Performance at VVC
- SRFBN enables average gain over Lanczos up to 29.02%, 14.40%, and 28.53% of BD-rate savings regarding PSNR, SSIM and VMAF metrics, respectively.
- Regarding PSNR, SRFBNand Lanczos have better performance over simulcast until approximately 100Mb/s and 30Mb/s, respectively.
- Regarding SSIM and VMAF, SRFBN is more efficient than simulcast for all the presented bit-rate range.
- Three bit-rate intervals are considered: lower than 30Mb/s, from 30Mb/s to 80Mb/s, more than 80Mb/s.
- The performance gap between SRFBN and Lanczos is more significant for the most complex sequences.
This is the 3rd story in this month.
[2020 ICASSP] [Bonnineau ICASSP’20]
Versatile Video Coding and Super-Resolution for Efficiency Delivery of 8K Video with 4K Backward-Compatibility
Codec Intra Prediction
HEVC [Xu VCIP’17] [Song VCIP’17] [Li VCIP’17] [Puri EUSIPCO’17] [IPCNN] [IPFCN] [HybridNN, Li ICIP’18] [Liu MMM’18] [CNNAC] [Li TCSVT’18] [Spatial RNN] [PS-RNN] [AP-CNN] [MIP] [Wang VCIP’19] [IntraNN] [CNNAC TCSVT’19] [CNN-CR] [CNNMC Yokoyama ICCE’20] [PNNS] [CNNCP]
VVC [CNNIF & CNNMC] [Brand PCS’19] [Bonnineau ICASSP’20]