Review — Deep Multi-Scale Video Prediction Beyond Mean Square Error
Video Frame Extrapolation, Generate Future Frames
Deep Multi-Scale Video Prediction Beyond Mean Square Error
Mathieu ICLR’16, by New York University, and Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research
2016 ICLR, Over 1700 Citations (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
Video Frame Extrapolation
- A CNN is proposed to generate future frames given an input sequence.
- To deal with the inherently blurry predictions obtained from the standard Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss function, three feature learning strategies are proposed: a multi-scale architecture, an adversarial training method, and an image gradient difference loss function.
- This is a paper from Prof. Yann LeCun research group.
- Proposed Network Architecture
- Multi-Scale Architecture
- Adversarial Training
- Image Gradient Difference Loss (GDL)
- Experimental Results
1. Proposed Network Architecture
- Let Y={Y1, …, Yn} be a sequence of frames to predict from input frames X={X1, …, Xm}.
- A LeNet-like network architecture G is trained to predict one or several concatenated frames Y from the concatenated frames X by minimizing a distance.
- where G(X) is the predicted frame and lp can be l1 or l2 norm.
However, convolutions only account for short-range dependencies. Also, using an l2 loss, and to a lesser extent l1, produces blurry predictions.
2. Multi-Scale Architecture
- A multi-scale version of the model is used.
- Let s1, …, sN scales be the sizes of the inputs of our network. Typically, in the experiments, s1=4×4, s2=8×8, s3=16×16 and s4=32×32.
- Let uk be the upscaling operator toward size sk, and let Xik, Yik denote the downscaled versions of Xi and Yi of size s.
This solve the problem of short-range dependencies.
3. Adversarial Training
- (Please feel free to read GAN for adversarial training.)
- The generator G is trained with a combined loss composed of the of the adversarial loss and the Lp loss:
- where LGadv is:
- The discriminator D to classify the input (X, Y) into class 1 and the input (X, G(X)) into class 0.
This solve the problem of blurry predictions.
4. Image Gradient Difference Loss (GDL)
- GDL is proposed to sharpen the image prediction by penalizing the differences of image gradient predictions in the generative loss function:
- And the total loss is:
This solve the problem of blurry predictions.
5. Experimental Results
- Two configurations are evaluated:
- 4 input frames to predict one future frame. To generate further in the future, the model is applied recursively by using the newly generated frame as an input.
- 8 input frames are used to produce 8 frames simultaneously.
The GDL and adversarial predictions are leading to further gains, and finally the combination of the multi-scale, l1 norm, GDL and adversarial training achieves the best PSNR, SSIM and Sharpness difference measure.
As seen, the proposed Adversarial+GDL obtains more clearer results.
- More results in
[2016 ICLR] [Mathieu ICLR’16]
Deep Multi-Scale Video Prediction Beyond Mean Square Error
Video Frame Interpolation/Extrapolation
2016 [Mathieu ICLR’16] 2017 [AdaConv] [SepConv] 2020 [DSepConv] 2021 [SepConv++]