Review: IFCNN — In-Loop Filtering Using Convolutional Neural Network (Codec Filtering)
Average 1.9% — 2.8% gain in BD-rate for Low Delay, Average 1.6% — 2.6% gain in BD-rate for Random Access
In this story, IFCNN, by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), is presented. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based in-loop filtering is invented for denoising/deblocking to further increase the coding efficiency. This is a paper in 2016 IVMSP Workshop with more than 50 citations. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Proposed IFCNN
- Experimental Results
1. Proposed IFCNN
- Instead of putting at the output of the reconstructed image/video, IFCNN is put inside the encoding loop. That’s why is is called in-loop CNN.
- As shown above, Sample Adaptive Offset (SAO) is replaced by IFCNN.
- One bit signalling is needed for IFCNN on/off.
- IFCNN is a very shallow CNN as shown above.
- W1 is of a size 9×9×64 and B1 is a 64-dimensional vector.
- W2 is of a size 64×3×3×32 and B2 is a 32-dimensional vector.
- W3 is of a size 32×5×5×1 and B3 is an 1-dimensional vector.
- And ReLU is not applied.
- Mean Square Error (MSE) is used as loss function L for training.
2. Experimental Results
- Average 4.8% gain in BD-rate for All Intra configuration.
- Average 1.9% — 2.8% gain in BD-rate for Low Delay P configuration.
- Average 1.6% — 2.6% gain in BD-rate for Random Access configuration.
- When using vl_nnconv() function in MatConvNet, it takes 0.4 seconds per one frame in the 416×240 sequences, and 1.2 seconds per one frame in the 832×480 sequences for the IFCNN structure in a PC with 3 GHz CPU and 32GB RAM.
- Some visualizations:
[2016 IVMSP Workshop] [IFCNN]
CNN-based In-loop Filtering for Coding Efficiency Improvement
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