Review: RU-Net & R2U-Net — Recurrent Residual Convolutional Neural Network (Medical Image Segmentation)
Improve U-Net by Recurrent Convolutions and Residual Connections
In this story, RU-Net & R2U-Net, by University of Dayton and Comcast Labs, is briefly reviewed.
- RU-Net is Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) based on U-Net.
- R2U-Net is Recurrent Residual Convolutional Neural Network (RRCNN) based on U-Net.
This is a 2018 arXiv tech report with more than 40 citations. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- RU-Net
- R2U-Net
- Experimental Results
1. RU-Net
- As shown above, RU-Net is based on U-Net except that there are recurrent convolutions before downsampling, before upsampling and before outputting the segmentation map.
- (If interested, please visit my review on U-Net.)
- For the recurrent convolutional layer (RCL), the output O(t) is the output at time step t before ReLU. And it is equal to w * x(t) + w * x(t-1) + b.
- F(x,w) is just O(t) after ReLU.
2. R2U-Net
2.1. R2U-Net
- In R2U-Net, it is residual learning instead of the one in RU-Net.
2.2. Comparison of Different Kinds of U-Net
3. Experimental Results
3.1. Blood Vessel Segmentation
- Three different popular datasets for retina blood vessel segmentation including DRIVE, STARE, and CHASH_DB1.
- RU-Net and R2U-Net obtain the best performance.
3.2. Skin Cancer Segmentation
- R2U-Net obtains the best segmentation performance.
3.3. Lung Segmentation
- R2U-Net with t=3 obtains the best segmentation performance.
3.4. Computational Time
There is also Attention R2U-Net by combining Attention U-Net and R2U-Net, by LeeJunHyun.
[2018 arXiv] [RU-Net & R2U-Net]
Recurrent Residual Convolutional Neural Network based on U-Net (R2U-Net) for Medical Image Segmentation
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