Tutorial: Generate Microsoft Visual Studio Solution for HM+360Lib — 360-Degree Video Using HEVC Codec (Video Coding)
360-Degree Videos are supported in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), which is a popular codec nowadays
This tutorial involves the steps to generate the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution for the reference software of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) plus the support of 360-degree video library, i.e. HM (HEVC Test Model) + 360 Library. In particular, the version right now is HM-16.20 + 360Lib-5.1. Let’s get started. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Download the HEVC Codec
- Download the 360 Library
- Combine HEVC and 360 Library
1. Download the HEVC Codec
- Go to https://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_HEVCSoftware/tags/
- Click “HM-16.20” (or the latest version of HM).
- Copy the path, e.g. “https://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_HEVCSoftware/tags/HM-16.20/”.
- Install TortoiseSVN if you do not have it.
- Create a folder, e.g. “HM-16.20” to prepare downloading the source.
- Right click to explore the context menu. Choose “TortoiseSVN” > “Export..”.
- Click “OK” to download.
- After finished downloading, click “OK”.
- The source has been downloaded. You may zip it as a backup.
2. Download the 360 Library
- Go to https://jvet.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_360Lib/tags/
- Click “360Lib-5.1” (This should be the latest version of 360Lib which supports HM directly).
- Copy the path, e.g. “https://jvet.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_360Lib/tags/360Lib-5.0/”.
- Install TortoiseSVN (You should have installed at previous part.)
- Create a folder, e.g. “360Lib-5.1” to prepare downloading the source.
- Right click to explore the context menu. Choose “TortoiseSVN” > “Export..”.
- Make sure the URL of repository is the one you have just copied. Click “OK” to download.
- After finished downloading, click “OK”.
- The source has been downloaded. You may zip it as a backup.
- Now, we got two sources, one is HEVC. One is 360Lib. We need to combine them to form a 360-degree HEVC codec.
3. Combine HEVC and 360 Library
- There is a file in the 360Lib, “360Lib-5.1_README.txt” about the copying of files.
- First, follows “360Lib-5.1_README.txt” to copy the files from 360Lib to HEVC.
- There may be differences depending on the versions.
copy ./{360Lib}/source/Lib/TLib360 to ./{HM}/source/Lib/
copy ./{360Lib}/source/Lib/TAppEncHelper360 to ./{HM}/source/Lib/
copy ./{360Lib}/source/App/utils/TApp360Convert to ./{HM}/source/App/utils/
copy ./{360Lib}/cfg-360Lib to ./{HM}/
copy ./{360Lib}/HM-360Lib-5.1-build to ./{HM}/
- Actually, in the above text file, there are tutorials teaching us how to use makefile in Linux. This time, we focus on Microsoft Visual Studio.
- There should be “HM_vc2015.sln” in “HM-360Lib-5.1-build” folder. We can use Visual Studio to open it.
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