Tutorial: Generate Microsoft Visual Studio Solution for VTM — VVC Codec (Video Coding)
Versatile Video Coding (VVC) is a newly developing codec by Joint Video Expert Team (JVET)
(I have written a newer story to use CMake inside the Visual Studio, please read the newer story: Tutorial: Generate Microsoft Visual Studio Solution for VTM — VVC Codec (Video Coding) (2020))
This tutorial involves the steps to generate the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution for the reference software of Versatile Video Coding (VVC), i.e. VTM (VVC Test model). In particular, the version right now is VTM-5.0. Let’s get started. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Download the VVC Codec
- Generate Visual Studio Solution Using CMake GUI
1. Download the VVC Codec
- Go to https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware_VTM
- Choose “Repository > Tags” at the left to find VTM-5.0 (or the latest version of VTM).
- Click “Download Zip” to download.
- Unzip it.
2. Generate Visual Studio Solution Using CMake GUI
- Actually, there is a file “README.md”, teaching us using CMake to generate solution in MS Visual Studio, as well as CMake in Xcode and Linux. There is a way to generate the VS solution using command prompt. This time, we use CMake GUI.
- Download and Install CMake from https://cmake.org.
- Create the folder “build” in the VTM root directory.
- Open “CMake (cmake-gui)”, Enter the VTM root directory as source path, and the VTM build directory as build path, then click “Configure”, as below:
- A prompt asking about the Visual Studio version comes up:
- It depends on the Visual Studio version you have, as well as the version supported by the codec. In my case, I choose “Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64”, then click “Finish”.
- After that, it becomes:
- Depending on the settings you want to enable, like WPP, 360, the relevant boxes should be checked. This time, we build a VVC without anything enabled. Click “Generate”.
- There should be “NextSoftware.sln” in “build” folder. We can use Visual Studio to open it.
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