Brief Review — An automated snoring sound classification method based on local dual octal pattern and iterative hybrid feature selector
An automated snoring sound classification method based on local dual octal pattern and iterative hybrid feature selector
DWT + LDOP + RFINCA + kNN , by Firat University
2021 J. BSPC (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)Snore Sound Classification
2017 [INTERSPEECH 2017 Challenges: Addressee, Cold & Snoring] 2018 [MPSSC] [AlexNet & VGG-19 for Snore Sound Classification] 2019 [CNN for Snore] 2020 [Snore-GAN]
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- Multilevel discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition and the LDOP based feature generation are used for feature extraction,
- Informative features selection is done by ReliefF and iterative neighborhood component analysis (RFINCA).
- Classification is performed using k nearest neighbors (kNN).
- Results
1.1. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Step 0: First, load the snoring sound (SS).
Step 1: Then, apply 7 leveled DWT to SS with symlet 8 filter.
1.2. Local Dual Octal Pattern (LDOP)
Step 2: Generate features using LDOP.
- It is a one-dimensional feature generation function. It uses two octal blocks and one center value. Therefore, 17 sized overlapping blocks are utilized for feature generation.
- In brief, left and right histograms are extracted using LDOP and they are concatenated to obtain a feature vector with a size of 512.
Step 3: As there are 8 filters, eight 512-features are concatenated, 8×512 = 4096 feature vector fv is obtained.
Step 4: Apply min-max normalization to fv.
- (Please read the paper for the details of LDOP.)
1.3. ReliefF and Iterative Neighborhood Component Analysis (RFINCA)
- Step 5: Calculate weights of the ReliefF using ReliefF function, X and target (actual classes). X^P defines positive weighted features obtained by ReliefF.
- Step 6: Apply NCA to X^P and calculate the sorted index of the features. Weights are updated using a Manhattan distance based fitness function and an optimization method.
- Step 7: Use the iterative feature selection procedure and calculate the loss value of each selected feature. In this step, a range of the number of features is determined to decrease computational cost. The range selected is from 40 to 540. Optimal features are selected using minimum loss valued features.
1.4. k nearest neighbors (kNN)
- Step 8: Classify final selected features (feature) using kNN classifier.
2. Results
- MPSSC dataset is used.
Table 5 denoted that the proposed SSC method reached approximately 22% higher UAR than the best of others.
Also, it achieved higher classification rates than deep learning methods without set millions of parameters.
- Besides, authors claimed that the proposed method has a benefit that it is a a lightweight method due to the use of handcrafted features.
- (Please feel free to read the paper directly for more details about the methods and experimental results.)