Review — Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset (Semantic Segmentation)
Cascade-SegNet & Cascade-DilatedNet is Formed Using Cascade Segmentation Module, Outperforms DilatedNet, SegNet & FCN
In this story, Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset, (Cascade-SegNet & Cascade-DilatedNet), by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Toronto, is briefly reviewed. In this paper:
- Cascade Segmentation Module is proposed to parse a scene into stuff, objects, and object parts in a cascade and improve over the baselines.
- This module is integrated with SegNet and DilatedNet to form the Cascade-SegNet and Cascade-DilatedNet respectively.
This is a paper in 2017 CVPR with over 1000 citations. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Cascade Segmentation Module
- Experimental Results
1. Cascade Segmentation Module
- While the frequency of objects appearing in scenes follows a long-tail distribution, the pixel ratios of objects also follow such a distribution.
For example, the stuff classes like ‘wall’, ‘building’, ‘floor’, and ‘sky’ occupy more than 40% of all the annotated pixels, while the discrete objects, such as ‘vase’ and ‘microwave’ at the tail of the distribution, occupy only 0.03% of the annotated pixels.
Because of the long-tail distribution, a semantic segmentation network can be easily dominated by the most frequent stuff classes.
- Semantic classes of the scenes into three macro classes: stuff (sky, road, building, etc), foreground objects (car, tree, sofa, etc), and object parts (car wheels and door, people head and torso, etc).
- Different streams of high-level layers are used to represent different macro classes and recognize the assigned classes, as shown above.
- More specifically, the stuff stream is trained to classify all the stuff classes plus one foreground object class.
- The object stream is trained to classify the discrete objects.
- The part stream further segments parts on each object score map predicted from the object stream.
- Each stream has a training loss at the end.
- The network with the two streams (stuff+objects) or three streams (stuff+objects+parts) could be trained end-to-end:
- The streams share the weights of the lower layers.
- This proposed module is integrated on two baseline networks SegNet and DilatedNet.
2. Experimental Results
2.1. Objective Evaluation
- The top 150 objects ranked by their total pixel ratios are selected from the ADE20K dataset and used to build a scene parsing benchmark of ADE20K, termed as MIT SceneParse150.
- Among the baselines, the DilatedNet achieves the best performance on the SceneParse150.
- The cascade networks, Cascade-SegNet and Cascade-DilatedNet both outperform the original baselines.
2.2. Visualization
- Some examples of segmentation results are visualized above.
2.3. Possible Applications
- (a) Automatic image content removal using the object score maps predicted by the scene parsing network.
- (b) Scene synthesis.
[2017 CVPR] [Cascade-SegNet & Cascade-DilatedNet]
Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset
Semantic Segmentation
2015: [FCN] [DeconvNet] [DeepLabv1 & DeepLabv2] [CRF-RNN] [SegNet] [DPN]
2016: [ENet] [ParseNet] [DilatedNet]
2017: [DRN] [RefineNet] [ERFNet] [GCN] [PSPNet] [DeepLabv3] [LC] [FC-DenseNet] [IDW-CNN] [DIS] [SDN] [Cascade-SegNet & Cascade-DilatedNet]
2018: [ESPNet] [ResNet-DUC-HDC] [DeepLabv3+] [PAN] [DFN] [EncNet]
2019: [ResNet-38] [C3] [ESPNetv2]
2020: [DRRN Zhang JNCA’20]