Review — UNI-SNE: Visualizing Similarity Data with a Mixture of Maps

Introducing A Background Map to Solve the Crowding Problem

Sik-Ho Tsang
4 min readFeb 6, 2021

In this paper, Visualizing Similarity Data with a Mixture of Maps, UNI-SNE, by University of Toronto, is briefly reviewed since UNI-SNE is mentioned in t-SNE. This is a paper by Prof. Hinton. In this paper:

  • Aspect Maps are introduced for Data with a Mixture of Maps.
  • A Background Map is used to solve the crowding problem.

This is a paper in 2007 ICAIS with over 100 citations. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)


  1. Brief Review of SNE & Symmetric SNE
  2. Aspect Maps
  3. UNI-SNE: A Background Map

1. Brief Review of SNE & Symmetric SNE

1.1. SNE

  • To visualize the high dimensional data, we need to map those data to a low dimensional space such as 2D or 3D space.
  • Additional to this, the structure of high dimensional data should be preserved after mapping to low dimensional space for proper visualization.
High Dimensional Space
  • A spherical Gaussian distribution centered at xi defines a probability density at each of the other points.
  • When these densities are normalized, we get a probability distribution, Pi, over all of the other points that represents their similarity to i.
Low Dimensional Space
  • A circular Gaussian distribution centered at yi defines a probability density at each of the other points.
  • When these densities are normalized, we get a probability distribution over all of the other points that is our low dimensional model, Qi of the high-dimensional Pi.
  • For each object, i, we can associate a cost with a set of low-dimensional y locations by using the Kullback-Liebler divergence to measure how well the distribution Qi models the distribution Pi:
  • The above cost C can be differentiated and minimized by gradient descent.

1.2. Symmetric SNE

  • An alternative is to define a single joint distribution over all non-identical ordered pairs:
  • This leads to simpler derivatives and easier to optimize.

2. Aspect Maps

  • Different senses of a word occur in different maps.
  • e.g.: “river” and “loan” can both be close to “bank” without being at all close to each other.
  • Each object, i, has a mixing proportion πmi in each map, m, and the mixing proportions are constrained to add to 1.
  • (Symmetric SNE is not used here.)
  • (There is large passage for minimizing the cost using the above aspect maps version of qj|i. Please read the paper if interested.)
2 of the 50 aspect maps for the word association data. Left: Each map models a different sense of “can”. Right: Each map models a different sense of “field”.
  • The above figure shows the 2 of 50 aspect maps for “can” and “field” examples.

3. UNI-SNE: A Background Map

  • One of the aspect maps would keep all of the objects very close together, while the other aspect map would create widely separated clusters of objects.
  • The objects in the middle will be crushed together too closely, causing crowding problem.
  • A “background” map in which all of the objects are very close together gives all of the qj|i a small positive contribution.
  • Here, for UNI-SNE, symmetric SNE is used, and qij is:
Symmetric SNE on MNIST
  • Principal components analysis (PCA) is applied on all 60,000 MNIST training images first to reduce each 28×28 pixel image to a 30-dimensional vector.
  • Then, Symmetric SNE is applied to 5000 of these 30-dimensional vectors with an equal number from each class.
  • The above figure shows that the 10 digit classes are not well separated.
  • The above figure shows that Symmetric SNE is also unable to separate the clusters 4,7,9 and 3,5,8 and it does not cleanly separate the clusters for 0, 1, 2, and 6 from the rest of the data. (The numbers are shown below as reference)
  • Using UNI-SNE, with 0.2 of the total probability mass uniformly distributed between all pairs, the 10 digit classes are much well separated compared with Symmetric SNE.
  • Of course, later on, t-SNE is proposed which is better and more popular than UNI-SNE.


[2007 ICAIS] [UNI-SNE]
Visualizing Similarity Data with a Mixture of Maps

Data Visualization

2002 [SNE] 2007 [UNI-SNE] 2008 [t-SNE]

My Other Previous Paper Readings



Sik-Ho Tsang
Sik-Ho Tsang

Written by Sik-Ho Tsang

PhD, Researcher. I share what I learn. :) Linktree: for Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

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