[Paper] DeepBIQ: Deep Learning for Blind IQA (Image Quality Assessment)
In this story, On the use of deep learning for blind image quality assessment (DeepBIQ), by University of Milano-Bicocca, is presented. I read this because I recently study IQA/VQA. In this paper:
- Features of subregions are extracted by fine-tuned convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as a generic image description, then input to SVR to regress the image quality scores.
- The image quality is estimated by average-pooling the scores predicted on multiple subregions of the original image.
- This proposed approach is named DeepBIQ.
This is a paper in 2017 Springer JSVIP (Signal, Image and Video Processing). (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- CaffeNet: Network Architecture
- Pretrained CNN
- Pooling Strategies
- Experimental Results
1. CaffeNet: Network Architecture
- CaffeNet, i.e. AlexNet without the use of group convolution, is used for feature extraction. The length of the feature vector is 4096 as shown above.
- (If interested, please feel free to read CaffeNet.)
- Then, a support vector regression (SVR) machine with a linear kernel is exploited to learn a mapping function from the CNN features to the perceived quality scores (i.e., MOS).
2. Pretrained CNN
- Three pretrained network is considered.
- ImageNet-CNN: CNN trained on trained on 1.2 million images of ImageNet (ILSVRC 2012).
- Places-CNN: CNN trained on 2.5 million images of the Places Database for scene recognition.
- ImageNet+Places-CNN: Trained using 3.5 million images from 1183 categories.
- Fine-tuned CNN: Fine-tuning the network by substituting the last fully connected layer of a pre-trained CNN with a new one initialized with random values. The new layer is trained from scratch. In this case, The CNN is discriminatively fine-tuned to classify image subregions into five MOS classes.
3. Pooling Strategies
- CNN features are computed on multiple subregions (i.e., crops) of the input image.
- Each crop covers almost 21% of the original image (227×227 out of 500×500 pixels). Thus, the use of multiple crops permits to evaluate the local quality.
- The final image quality is then computed by pooling the evaluation of each single crop.
- Three pooling strategies are considered.
- Feature pooling information fusion is performed element by element on the subregion feature vectors to generate a single feature vector using a minimum, average, or maximum pooling operators.
- Feature concatenation information fusion is performed by concatenating the subregion feature vectors in a single longer feature vector.
- Prediction pooling information fusion is performed on the predicted quality scores. The SVR predicts a quality score for each image crop, and these scores are then fused using a minimum, average, or maximum pooling operators.
4. Experimental Results
- The LIVE In the Wild IQ Challenge DB is used. It contains 1162 images with resolution equal to 500×500 pixels affected by diverse authentic distortions and genuine artifacts such as low-light noise and blur, motion-induced blur, over and underexposure, compression errors.
4.1. Pretrained CNN (Exp. I)
- ImageNet+Places-CNN obtains the best performance as it is trained with much more images.
4.2. Feature and Prediction Pooling (Exp. II)
- ImageNet+Places-CNN is used.
- The first scheme is feature pooling that can be seen as an early fusion approach, performing element-wise fusion on the feature vectors.
- The second scheme is feature concatenation, performing information fusion by concatenating the multiple feature vectors into a single feature vector.
- The third scheme is prediction pooling that can be seen as a late fusion approach, where information fusion is performed on the predicted quality scores.
- The results obtained by feature average-pooling are statistically better.
4.3. Fine-tuned CNN (Exp. III)
- The results obtained by prediction average-pooling are statistically better than those obtained by feature average-pooling.
- The test time requires about 20 ms for CNN.
4.4. SOTA Comparison
- We can see that the use of a pre-trained CNN on the whole image is able to give slightly better results than the best in the state of the art.
- The use of multiple crops with average-pooled features is able to improve LCC and SROCC with respect to the best method in the state of the art by 0.08 and 0.11, respectively.
- Finally, the use of the fine-tuned CNN with multiple image crops and average-pooled predictions is able to improve LCC and SROCC by 0.20 and 0.21 respectively.
4.5. Other Datasets
[2017 JSVIP] [DeepBIQ]
On the use of deep learning for blind image quality assessment
Image Quality Assessment (IQA)
FR: [DeepSim] [DeepIQA]
NR: [IQA-CNN] [IQA-CNN++] [DeepCNN] [DeepIQA] [DeepBIQ] [MEON]