Review — Non-local Neural Networks (Video Classification)
Space, Time, & Spacetime Long-Range Interactions Captured by Non-local Neural Networks
In this story, Non-local Neural Networks, (NL), by Carnegie Mellon University, and Facebook AI Research, is reviewed. In this paper:
- The non-local operation computes the response at a position as a weighted sum of the features at all positions.
- It is used for Video Classification, Object Detection, Instance Segmentation, and Human Pose Estimation (Keypoint Detection) tasks.
This is a paper in 2018 CVPR with over 3100 citations. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
- Motivation of Non-Local Blocks
- Generic Definition of Non-Local Blocks
- Instantiations of Non-Local Blocks
- Non-Local Blocks
- Ablation Study on Video Classification
- SOTA Comparison on Video Classification
- Experimental Results on COCO
1. Motivation of Non-Local Blocks
In videos, long-range interactions occur between distant pixels in space as well as time.
A single non-local block, which is the basic unit, can directly capture these spacetime dependencies in a feedforward fashion.
- With a few non-local blocks, the architectures called non-local neural networks are more accurate for video classification than 2D and 3D convolutional networks
- In addition, non-local neural networks are more computationally economical than the 3D convolutional counterparts.
2. Generic Definition of Non-Local Blocks
2.1. Generic Definition
- A generic non-local operation in deep neural networks:
- Here, i is the index of an output position (in space, time, or spacetime) whose response is to be computed depending on the task.
- j is the index that enumerates all possible positions.
- x is the input signal (image, sequence, video; often their features).
- y is the output signal of the same size as x.
- A pairwise function f computes a scalar (representing relationship such as affinity) between i and all j.
- The unary function g computes a representation of the input signal at the position j.
- The response is normalized by a factor C(x).
The non-local behavior in the above equation is due to the fact that all positions (∀j) are considered in the operation.
- The above equation supports inputs of variable sizes, and maintains the corresponding size in the output.
A non-local operation is a flexible building block and can be easily used together with convolutional/recurrent layers, build a richer hierarchy that combines both non-local and local information.
2.2. Differences From Convolutional, Recurrent, Fully Connected Operations
- As a comparison, a convolutional operation sums up the weighted input in a local neighborhood, i−1≤ j ≤ i+1 when kernel size is 3.
- A recurrent operation at time i is often based only on the current and the latest time steps (e.g., j = i or i−1).
- The non-local operation is also different from a fully-connected (fc) layer. The above equation computes responses based on relationships between different locations, whereas fc uses learned weights.
3. Instantiations of Non-Local Blocks
- Recap the above equation:
- There can be several versions of f and g, which will be discussed below.
3.1. Unary Function g(xj)
- For simplicity, g is only considered in the form of a linear embedding:
- where Wg is a weight matrix to be learned.
- Then, it is 1×1 convolution in space or 1×1×1 convolution in spacetime.
3.2. Pairwise Function f(xi, xj)
3.2.1. Gaussian
- Following non-local mean and bilateral filter approaches, a natural choice of f is the Gaussian function. In this paper, f is considered as:
- Here xiTxj is dot-product similarity.
- The normalization factor is set as:
3.2.2. Embedded Gaussian
- A simple extension of the Gaussian function is to compute similarity in an embedding space.
- where θ and ϕ are two embeddings:
- The normalization factor is the same:
- Self-attention module proposed in a very famous paper “Attention is all you need” [49], is a special case of non-local operations in the embedded Gaussian version.
- It can be seen that for a given i, the softmax computation along the dimension j, becomes:
- That means, we got:
- which is the self-attention form in Attention is all you need [49].
In this work, it gives the insight by relating this recent self-attention model to the classic computer vision method of non-local means.
It also extends the sequential self-attention network in [49] to a generic space/spacetime non-local network for image/video recognition in computer vision.
- (If interested, please read the paper: Attention is all you need.)
- But there can be another 2 alternative versions instead of using softmax, as describe below, i.e. dot product and concatenation.
3.2.3. Dot Product
- f can be defined as a dot-product similarity using embedded version:
- where the normalization factor is the number of positions in x:
- It simplifies gradient computation. A normalization like this is necessary because the input can have variable size.
- The main difference between the dot product and embedded Gaussian versions is the presence of softmax.
3.2.4. Concatenation
- f also can be a concatenation form:
- where [·, ·] denotes concatenation and wf is a weight vector that projects the concatenated vector to a scalar.
- The normalization factor is:
4. Non-Local Blocks
- By wrapping the equation of:
- into a non-local block, we can define the non-local block as:
- where “+xi” is the residual connection.
- The pairwise computation as described in the previous section (Section 3) can be simply done by matrix multiplication.
- This pairwise computation as done by matrix multiplication is comparable to a typical convolutional layer in standard networks.
- The concatenation version is straightforward.
- The pairwise computation of a non-local block is lightweight.
4.1. An Illustrative Example
- For example, typical values in the above figure are T=4, H=W=14 or 7.
- As the example in the figure above, the shape of their tensors, e.g., T×H×W×1024 for 1024 channels.
- The blue boxes denote 1×1×1 convolutions.
- The embedded Gaussian version, is with a bottleneck of 512 channels.
- The bottleneck design of Wg, Wθ and Wϕ is to reduce the computation of a block by about a half.
- The vanilla Gaussian version can be done by removing θ and ϕ.
- The dot-product version can be done by replacing softmax with scaling by 1/N.
- The weight matrix Wz computes a position-wise embedding on yi, matching the number of channels to that of x.
4.2. Non-Local Blocks for Subsampling
- A subsampling trick cane be done by using subsampled version of x, i.e. ^x:
- It can be done by pooling.
5. Ablation Study on Video Classification
- Kinetics dataset contains 246k training videos and 20k validation videos. It is a classification task involving 400 human action categories.
- ImageNet pretrained ResNet-50 C2D (2D convolution) is used as baseline.
- The input video clip has 32 frames each with 224×224 pixels.
- This model processes the input frame-by-frame, the only operation involving the temporal domain are the pooling layers.
5.1. Instantiations
- Different types of a single non-local block added to the C2D baseline (right before the last residual block of res4).
- Interestingly, the embedded Gaussian, dot-product, and concatenation versions perform similarly, up to some random variations (72.7 to 72.9).
- The non-local operations with Gaussian kernels become similar to the self-attention module.
- The embedded Gaussian version is used by default. This version is easier to visualize as its softmax scores are in the range of [0, 1].
5.2. Which stage to add non-local blocks?
- A single non-local block is added to different stages of ResNet.
- The improvement of a non-local block on res2, res3, or res4 is similar, and on res5 is slightly smaller.
- One possible explanation is that res5 has a small spatial size (7×7) and it is insufficient to provide precise spatial information.
5.3. Going deeper with non-local blocks
- 1 block (to res4), 5 blocks (3 to res4 and 2 to res3, to every other residual block), and 10 blocks (to every residual block in res3 and res4) are added in ResNet-50 and in ResNet-101.
- More non-local blocks in general lead to better results.
it is argued that multiple non-local blocks can perform long-range multi-hop communication.
Messages can be delivered back and forth between distant positions in spacetime, which is hard to do via local models.
- 5-block ResNet-50 has only 70% parameters and 80% FLOPs of the ResNet-101 baseline, and is also shallower.
- The improvement due to non-local blocks is complementary to going deeper in standard ways.
5.4. Non-local in spacetime
- Related objects in a video can present at distant space and long-term time interval.
- Both the space-only and time-only versions improve over the C2D baseline, but are inferior to the spacetime version.
5.5. Non-local net vs. 3D ConvNet
- Non-local C2D model is more accurate than the I3D counterpart (e.g., 75.1 vs. 74.4), while having a smaller number of FLOPs (1.2× vs. 1.5×).
- This comparison shows that the proposed method can be more effective than 3D convolutions when used alone.
5.6. Non-local 3D ConvNet
- 5 non-local blocks are inserted into the I3D 3×1×1 models.
- These non-local I3D (NL I3D) models improve over their I3D counterparts (+1.6 point accuracy), showing that non-local operations and 3D convolutions are complementary.
5.7. Longer Sequences
- Input clips consist of 128 consecutive frames without subsampling, 4× longer compared to the 32-frame counterparts.
- The models are initialized from the corresponding models trained with 32-frame inputs, and fine-tuned on 128-frame inputs.
- NL I3D can maintain its gain over the I3D counterparts, showing that the proposed models work well on longer sequences.
6. SOTA Comparison on Video Classification
6.1. Kinetics
- The proposed method surpasses all the existing RGB or RGB + flow based methods by a good margin.
- Without using optical flow and without any bells and whistles, the proposed method is on par with the heavily engineered results of the 2017 competition winner.
6.2. Charades
- Charades [44] is a multi-label video dataset with 8k training, 1.8k validation, and 2k testing videos, with 157 action categories.
- A per-category sigmoid output is used here.
- The proposed I3D baseline is higher than the previous results.
- As a controlled comparison, the proposed non-local net improves over our I3D baseline by 2.3% on the test set.
7. Experimental Results on COCO
- The Mask R-CNN baseline is used for COCO object detection, segmentation and human pose estimation (keypoint detection).
- All backbones are used with FPN.
- The models are trained on COCO train2017 (i.e., trainval35k in 2014) and tested on val2017 (i.e., minival in 2014).
7.1. Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
- R50/R101 is ResNet-50/101, and X152 is ResNeXt-152.
- A single non-local block improves all R50/101 and X152 baselines.
- This comparison suggests that non-local dependency has not been sufficiently captured by existing models despite increased depth/capacity.
- The above gain is at a very small cost. The single non-local block only adds <5% computation to the baseline model.
- Authors also have tried to use more non-local blocks to the backbone, but found diminishing return.
7.2. Keypoint Detection
- Mask R-CNN used a stack of 8 convolutional layers for predicting the keypoints as 1-hot masks. These layers are local operations and may overlook the dependency among keypoints across long distance.
- 4 non-local blocks are inserted into the keypoint head (after every 2 convolutional layers).
- On a strong baseline of R101, adding 4 non-local blocks to the keypoint head leads to a 1 point increase of keypoint AP.
- If one extra non-local block is added to the backbone as done for object detection, in total 1.4 points increase of keypoint AP over the baseline is observed.
[2018 CVPR] [NL: Non-Local Neural Networks]
Non-local Neural Networks
Video Classification
2014 [Deep Video] [Two-Stream ConvNet] 2015 [DevNet] [C3D] 2016 [TSN] 2017 [Temporal Modeling Approaches] [4 Temporal Modeling Approaches] [P3D] 2018 [NL: Non-Local Neural Networks]