Brief Review — Population Based Augmentation: Efficient Learning of Augmentation Policy Schedules
PBA, Starts by Easier Augmentation, Followed by Harder Augmentation
Population Based Augmentation: Efficient Learning of Augmentation Policy Schedules, PBA, by UC Berkeley, (Unknown named X), and
2019 ICML, Over 200 Citations (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
Data Augmentation, Image Classification
- Population Based Augmentation (PBA) is proposed to learn a schedule of augmentation policies.
- Population Based Augmentation (PBA)
- Results
1. Population Based Augmentation (PBA)
1.1. Learning a Schedule
- Population Based Training (PBT) is leveraged: A hyperparameter search algorithm which optimizes the parameters of a network jointly with their hyperparameters to maximize performance.
- The output of PBT is not an optimal hyperparameter configuration but rather a trained model and schedule of hyperparameters.
Similarly, in PBA, we are only interested in the learned schedule and discard the child model result.
- In PBT, to start, a fixed population of models are randomly initialized and trained in parallel. At certain intervals, an “exploit-and-explore” procedure is applied.
For the worse models, the model clones the weights of a better performing model (i.e., exploitation) and then perturbs the hyperparameters of the cloned model to search in the hyperparameter space (i.e., exploration).
1.2. Policy Search Space (Algorithm 1)
- A set of hyperparameters consists of two magnitude and probability values for each operation.
- This gives us 30 operation-magnitude-probability tuples for a total of 60 hyperparameters.
- Similar to AutoAugment, there are 10 possibilities for magnitude and 11 possibilities for probability.
- When augmentations are applied to data, all operations are first shuffled and then applied in turn until a limit is reached. This limit can range from 0 to 2 operations, as shown in Algorithm 1 above.
- AutoAugment uses RNN controller to return the hyperparameters to be used, similar to NASNet.
PBA search space includes (10×11)³⁰≈1.75×10⁶¹ possibilities, compared to 2.8×10³² for AutoAugment.
1.3. Training Flow
- In each iteration we run an epoch of gradient descent.
- A trial is evaluated on a validation set not used for PBT training and disjoint from the final test set.
- A trial is ready to go through the exploit-and-explore process once 3 steps/epochs have elapsed.
- Exploit: Truncation Selection. as in PBT, is used, where a trial in the bottom 25% of the population clones the weights and hyperparameters of a model in the top 25%.
- Explore: For each hyperparameter, PBA either uniformly resamples from all possible values or perturbs the original value, as shown in Algorithm 2.
- In experiment, PBA is run with 16 total trials on the Wide-ResNet-40–2 model to generate augmentation schedules.
2. Results
- Overall, the PBA learned schedule leads AutoAugment slightly on PyramidNet and Wide-ResNet-28–10, and performs comparably on Shake-Shake models, showing that the learned schedule is competitive with state-of-the-art.
- Training with the PBA Fixed Policy degrades accuracy by 10% percent on average,
It is hypothesized that schedule improves training by allowing “easy” augmentations in the initial phase of training while still allowing “harder” augmentations to be added later on.
[2019 ICML] [PBA]
Population Based Augmentation: Efficient Learning of Augmentation Policy Schedules
1.1. Image Classification
1989 … 2019 [PBA] … 2022 [ConvNeXt] [PVTv2] [ViT-G] [AS-MLP]