Brief Review — Fast AutoAugment
The First Place in AutoCV Competition of NeurIPS 2019 AutoDL Challenge
4 min readOct 21, 2022
Fast AutoAugment
FAA, by UNIST, Kakao Brain, and Université de Montréal
2019 NeurIPS, Over 300 Citations (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)
Data Augmentation, Image Classification
- AutoAugment (AA) automatically searches for augmentation policies but requires thousands of GPU hours, as tabulated above.
- Fast AutoAugment (FAA) is proposed, which finds effective augmentation policies via a more efficient search strategy based on density matching.
- Fast AutoAugment (FAA)
- Results
1. Fast AutoAugment (FAA)
1.1. Search Space
- Let O be a set of augmentation on the input image space X. Each operation O has two parameters: the calling probability p and the magnitude λ. (Some operations (e.g. invert, flip) do not use the magnitude.)
- Let S be the set of sub-policies where a sub-policy τ ∈ S consists of N consecutive operations, where each operation is applied to an input image sequentially with the probability p as follows:
- The output of sub-policy τ(x) can be described by a composition of operations as:
- Where:
- The above figure shows a specific example of augmented images by τ.
- Thus, the final policy T is a collection of NT sub-policies and T(D) indicates a set of augmented images of dataset D transformed by every sub-policies τ ∈ T:
1.2. Search Strategy
- For exploration, the proposed method splits the train dataset Dtrain into K-folds, which consists of two datasets D(k)M and D(k)A.
- Then, model parameter θ is trained in parallel on each D(k)M. After training, the algorithm evaluates B bundles of augmentation policies on DA.
- L(θ|T(D)) denotes the loss on augmented dataset T(D). In practice, the categorical cross-entropy loss is minimized.
- These B candidate policies {T1, …, TB} are explored via Bayesian optimization. The Expected Improvement (EI) criterion [18] is employed for acquisition function to explore candidate policies B efficiently.
- During the exploration process, the proposed algorithm does not train model parameter θ from scratch again. The top-N policies obtained from each K-fold are appended to an augmentation list T.
- where R() is the accuracy.
- Finally, the whole training set is trained using T*.
2. Results
FAA significantly improves the performances of the baseline and Cutout for any network while achieving comparable performances to those of AA and PBA.
- On reduced CIFAR-10, FAA only takes 3.5 GPU-hours for the policy search.
- By considering the worst case, PyramidNet+ShakeDrop requires 780 GPU-hours which is even less than the computation time of AA (5000 GPU-hours).
The proposed FAA contributed to win the first place in AutoCV competition of NeurIPS 2019 AutoDL challenge.
[2019 NeurIPS] [FAA]
Fast AutoAugment
1.1. Image Classification
1989 … 2019 [FAA] … 2022 [ConvNeXt] [PVTv2] [ViT-G] [AS-MLP]