Review — SE-WRN: Squeeze-and-Excitation Wide Residual Networks in Image Classification

Squeeze-and-Excitation () Attention Applied onto Wide Residual Networks ()

Sik-Ho Tsang
3 min readJan 21, 2022


Squeeze-and-Excitation Wide Residual Networks in Image Classification
SE-WRN, by Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Transportation Internet of Things, and Wuhan University
2019 ICIP (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)

  • block in is applied onto Wide Residual Networks (), where Global covariance pooling (GVP) is used, and a residual Squeeze-and-Excitation block (rSE-block).


  1. SE-WRN
  2. Experimental Results


SE-WRN: Network Architecture
  • Let B(M) denote residual block structure, where M is a list with the kernel sizes of the convolutional layers in a block.
  • B(3,3) denotes a residual block with two 3×3 layers.
  • WRN-n-k denotes a residual network that has a total number of convolutional layers n and a widening factor k (for example, network with 26 layers and k=10 times wider than origin would be denoted as WRN-26–10).
r--Block has one more residual connection
  • rSE--Block is used instead of the conventional --Block in .
  • The global covariance pooling replaces the common first-order, max/average pooling after the last conv layer, producing a global, d(d + 1)/2 dimensional image representation by concatenation of the upper triangular part of one covariance matrix.
  • A -block is used. The layer is added before the last FC layer in -block.
  • Following [18], a 1×1 conv layer of 256 channels is added after the last conv layer when k>4, so that the dimension of features inputted to the global covariance pooling layer is fixed to 256, which will reduce the number of parameters.

2. Experimental Results

Results on WRN-20–1 (Error%)
  • The accuracy of the WRN-20–1 on CIFAR10 bellows 93%, which results with too little channel information.

As the channels are effectively utilized, the performance of the classification gradually increases.

Results on WRN-20–4, WRN-20–8 (Error%)
  • Through the experiments, the -D--GVP have a good performance. (D: )
Results on WRN-26–10 (Error%)
  • WRN-26–10 is taken as the basic network.
  • The proposed networks impose only a slight increase in model complexity and computational burden.
Error % against Epochs on CIFAR datasets



Sik-Ho Tsang
Sik-Ho Tsang

Written by Sik-Ho Tsang

PhD, Researcher. I share what I learn. :) Linktree: for Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

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